Welcome to The Bridge, by Tundra
Work-life balance matters.
The Bridge was built to connect you with exclusive opportunities to get the most out of your partnership with Tundra.
You asked, we listened.
Tundra’s network of carefully selected partners and collaborators are hand-picked by our dedicated Talent Engagement team to bridge the gap between full-time and gig workers by offering exclusive employee-style benefits.
\ well·ness \
[a holistic state of mental and physical well-being; a balanced lifestyle focused on reaching one’s full potential.]
The Bridge gives you access to a suite of customizable health benefits, insurance offerings and selection of wellness partners so you can bring your best self to work. From connected fitness equipment to a network of gyms, The Bridge helps you focus on your wellness anytime, anywhere.
\ wealth \
[an accumulation of valuable resources or assets; rich and abundant.]
Future-proof your finances by gaining access to retirement savings, investment options and financial planning with our partners.
Enjoy the financial benefits and stability of full-time employment and contribute directly into your RRSP or 401K.
\ learn·ing \
[acquisition of new knowledge and skills through experience, study, or teachings.]
Tundra seeks to empower our workers by giving you the opportunity to upgrade your skills and knowledge during your time with us.
We have partnered with world-renowned bootcamps and online learning platforms to help you upskill or retrain so you can thrive in your current role and beyond.
\ loy·al·ty \
[a strong feeling of support, allegiance, and devotion for someone or something.]
To show you our appreciation, Tundra provides contractors with enrollment and access to our loyalty perks program with AccessPerks where you can save up to 60% off on deals where you live, work, and play.